Monday, 30 December 2013

Crimbo Socks Clean Off

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Psycho Scratchins x12

Quick recap over the Christmas snacks over 2013 (most were HOT)

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spices, pickles, peanuts

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Breakfast laverbread & egg

Friday, 27 December 2013

Fran's Greatest Five


Ahhhh (enough H?) lists! Everyone loves a list! They are never ending: "The Best Guitarist", "Greatest Frontman" "Hottest Sauces" and my personal fave "Sexiest Female Rockstar" (its the Vixen guitarist and Mia Klose by the way). Lists are fun, they can provoke a lot of thought, make people revaluate previous ideas and cause endless pub debates, even brawls if the ale has flowed freely enough (Mmm, free ale). In short, lists are f**king ACE.
And after LOTS of humming and ahhing, sifting through my huge metal record collection and doing a Pagan wardance waving goose giblets in the air in hope of some Godly inspiration, ive finally (after washing giblet blood off) come to my top five albums of all time. Cool huh?

1. AC/DC ~ Back In Black

2. Guns n' Roses ~ Appetite For Destruction

3. David Bowie ~ Ziggy Stardust

4. Iron Maiden ~ Powerslave

5. Slayer ~ South Of Heaven

Thursday, 26 December 2013

Piranha Salad

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Awesome salad

Fancy a healthier meal to work off all that Christmas goose? (Please don't say you had turkey...yuck!) Then why not go for another METAL MEAL OF THE MOTORHEAD GODS and rustle up a PIRANHA SALAD?Yeah you read it right, piranha. Okay you might need a trip to the Amazon but look at it! I'm sure it would be worth it *Devil Horns* Simply whack a few Pygocentrus nattereri (Ooh fancy!) under a grill for a few light sessions, garnish and serve with lettuce, tomato and other veggie type shite. Apparently its a very popular dish in the jungles and these folk have lived unmolested by technology for centuries so how wrong can it be? By the holy garters of Lita Ford, I would certainly get that bad boy down my ever hungry gullet. Admit it! It looks delicious.

Sunday, 1 December 2013

Sweet Chili Duck Legs

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Sweet Chili Duck Legs £2.99 from Aldi. A choice of 2 other sauces are available

There is a lot of snobbery aimed at German supermarkets Aldi and Lidl but you know what? Its foolish because they sell some good food if you catch them on a good day (which as more and more are turning to them is quick becoming every day). Superman would shop at these places. Batman too regardless of his billionaire status. And why the f**k not? These stores sell some darned tasty grub. Hell I don't need to go via Budget Alley but frog's legs in gravy! Everything, and I do mean everything comes down to taste. Laverbread, what Richard Burton once described as the "Welsh caviar" begins life in rockpools, which is hardly the desired home of any self respecting gentleman, and yet BOOM! Greatest. Welsh. Actor. Ever. Recommends it.
So cut the phoney chitter chatter and get yer asses down to Aldi and nab yourself some fine tasting treats. Duck is duck so what the f**k? Get it on the dish, it tastes delish!

Be warned: Do not cook in microwave for 18 minutes. I found it way too tough. 14 minutes would have done ace.
And two, when it says "thick" think toffee apple consistency. Its sweet too but hell, if it worked (and worked well) for someone who doesn't usually go for sweet food, then I can 99% say you will enjoy these legs.

Check my video out for a more 'in depth' description. Yeah the quality isn't that great but I might make this a trademark *winks* Enjoy!

Friday, 15 November 2013

Duck! Its Chips!

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Daffys always a favourite with chips

Todays luncheon moshers! Crispy duck (£3.99 from German supermarket Lidl) and chips (our American cousins call them fries). And it was to f**king die for! The skin and flesh of a duck is something else, and if one of the perks on a sunday morning is lurking around your wife/partner, trying to steal bits of chicken skin or pork crackling, then wait until you get a load of duck! Obviously this blog post is aimed at duck virgins (and boy does THAT sound weird!) because readers who have already tasted this delicious bird will know exactly what I mean.
Allow me to spell it out again, in case that chicken got your earhole: DUCK IS F**KING TASTY AS ALL HOLY F**K! Get that? Feed them in the park all you want but unless you've tried duck, either as a roast dinner or accompanied by chips and egg, I can safely say that you have never lived. Well you did but all bland like *smiles*

Slobber and drool over these pics and vids. I bought two because....why not? Orgasm on a plate.

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Thursday, 14 November 2013

Hot Spaghetti

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As the nights draw in and cruel Mr Frost arrives with his icy talons, offing pensioners and making British Gas merry, the need for heat is now pretty much priority to us Brits. If you are a fan of hot sauce like my good self, you can get warm for free too (minus cost of sauce obviously), eliminating the need to walk around indoors in scarf and five jumpers. Win!! It works too! Regular readers of these blogs will know the kid of crazy heat these sauces throw out. Believe me, its quite comical reading how friends on Facebook are freezing their azzes off while I am sitting in a tee shirt, sweating buckets.

Sunday, 27 October 2013

Egg, Chips & Beans

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26 years in the making

One important thing to remember when it comes to food is that tasty food is very nearly always the most simple to make. Aye you can follow some dour celebrity chefs four hour guide on making some poncey dish like Camel Fritters in Pheasant Eyeball sauce but if you ever need something truly delicious and homely, keep it simple Charlie. (Whoever Charlie is). Google 'comfort food' and you won't find anything fancy. And it doesn't get any easier than the British classic ~ egg, chips & beans. This is food of champions, nosh of the gods! And if Bacon is the God of Scran (food), then egg, chips and beans are its messianic lieutenants.
Take a gander at the photo above. I cooked that last week. And every mouthful gave me waves of Orgasmatron (to keep it metal). Little wonder I got positive comments when I posted the pic on Twitter. Some sweet folk thought I had gone to a restaurant! Nope, I am Fry King Supreme, the chipper lord. 26 years of frying your own eggs will do that to a person. Boy it tasted good! I'd bet a kidney that even the most hardened lettuce head could not deny its greasy charms.

Friday, 27 September 2013

Colon Cleaning for Moshers

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There. A work of Art

What is this you feast your eyes upon?! A cheesy, battered sandwich of doom! (Nothing was fried though and I don't use butter so it wasn't ALL bad.) Sometimes you gotta throw caution (and yer waistline) to the wind and eat dangerously. What good is a life spent munching on lettuce and muesli? And you can't put the awesome Professor Phardtpounder's Colon Cleaner on muesli. (Well you could but I suspect it wouldn't taste very nice). Ever since I first bought a bottle of Colon Cleaner (from Dr Burnorium's Hot Sauce Emporium) I have been smashing it on everything from bacon sarnies to chicken wings, so darned tasty! A Caribbean style, mustard-based sauce with Scotch Bonnet peppers but don't worry! Its nowhere near in the same league, heat wise, as say Blair's Mega Death so even newbies would handle his bad boy sauce. In fact if you are a fan of regular old mustard, you will enjoy this.
So what went into this epic sarnie of doom? Crispy chicken portion, onion rings (breadcrumbs), tomato, all topped off with delicious melted, stringed cheddar cheese and slapped between two slices of unbuttered toast. All grilled and served with hefty dollops of Prof Phardtpounder's Colon Cleaner. Spiffing chaps and chapesses, absolutely bloody SPIFFING! I think I deserve a massive pat on the back and tons of applause for creating such a marvellous work of Art.

Wednesday, 11 September 2013

Psycho Scratchin's

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Come to papa!

Man has been searching for the perfect 'pub snack' ever since we brewed that first beer. Alcohol gives you the munchies, and for a while, bags of salted peanuts (pinned to cardboard featuring a naked woman, remember those?) seemed to be the Daddy. Not any more, daddy has found a hotter model. And when I say HOT, think Christie Brinkley wearing nothing but high heels, a come-to-bed smile and holding a neon sign saying F**KING HOT.
Ladies and gentlemen, moshers and maggots, I bring thee Psycho Scratchin's! Or rather Dr Burnorium ( does, since he is the evil genius behind these fabulously, fiery snacks of awesome. Yup, the creator of Psycho Juice hot sauce has gone and done it again. Praise the lord (of hot stuff.) I didn't think pork crackling could get better but holy sweet pepper, Psycho Scratchin's are the dog's wotsits. It took all my willpower, paper thin at the best of times, not to eat three bags in one go. Moreish isn't the word (well it is but you know what I mean.)
Delicious pork rind liberally dusted with Ghost Pepper (Naga Jolokia) with a satisfying crunch, and as a bonus these don't taste half as salty as inferior crackling. I love the heat of these too, face melt for sure, but a very pleasant face melt! (See me eating them in vid below.) If you fancy something different, put down that dry roasted peanut, and head on over to Dr Burnorium's Hot Sauce Emporium and order some. I guarantee you'll be back for more, these are special indeed.
Now this is the third time I have featured Dr Burnorium's sauces and snacks in my blogs and before anyone starts wondering if I am on his payroll or not, nope, im not. The reason for these 'reviews' is simple; when I discover a fantastic product I get excited (like getting a new Slayer album,) I want to share it with others so they don't miss out, I want to 'give it props' as our American cousins would say. Go tell it on the mountain! Or perhaps volcano would be more apt in this case since these Scratchin's are like little lava chunks, waiting to melt in yer gob in a fireball of great flavour and wicked heat.
So no payroll here, just a very satisfied customer who will keep returning for more Psycho Juice awesomness. Pain shouldn't taste this good.

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Saturday, 7 September 2013

Comfort Food

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Pass the Parsley

Apologies for the bad photograph but that there is the ultimate comfort food: fish, mashed potatoes and parsley sauce (sadly I forgot the peas.) Most folk nowadays only remember parsley sauce from school dinners as a lad/ladess which is a crying shame because this sauce is seriously LUSH, and easy to make (there are hundreds of recipes online.) Its great with baked ham too, I remember my late mother making it often back in the day. I urge anyone reading this outside of Britain to make some parsley sauce, you will thank me I guarantee.
These days im fairly addicted to hot sauces but will always go back to the parsley when I feel the need (like I did today.) In fact, that has me thinking now: hot parsley sauce! Eureka! I haven't seen anyone make that. I just might suggest it to a hot sauce creator I know.

Friday, 6 September 2013

Less Sabath, More Sabbat

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100% classic

Let me kick off straight to the point here; Sabbat were a bloody awesome British thrash metal band. When they released their debut album, "History of a Time to Come" back in 1988, I was blown out of my Nike hi-tops. What a cracker of an album, there isn't a bad track on it. From the brilliant opener, "A Cautionary Tale" to the Christian antagonizing ending of "The Church Bizarre", metalheads will be in their element. "Appetite For Destruction" (Guns n' Roses) was released the year before and Sabbat's mighty offering had the same impact on my teenage self.
And that artwork? I had it the album on vinyl to ogle that lovely art. If I was ever to get a back tattoo, this would be the design. Wonderful package, as was the follow up, 1989's "Dreamweaver (Reflections of Our Yesterdays.)" Funnily enough I didn't get that one on vinyl because CD was becoming popular and I was busy scooping those up but in the end got it on cassette.
Such a damned shame that after this period, the mighty Sabbat went tits up but maybe it was for the best? Perhaps its better to have brief spells of genius than having to witness a great band become less great, and hear albums get weaker and weaker. Yes there was a third record, "Mourning Has Broken" (1991) but it was considered both a critical and commercial turkey which banged that final nail into Sabbat's split. But like I say, better to have 2 fantastic albums than none at all

Belt it out

Thursday, 29 August 2013

Curry Bombin' Rissoles

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The RissoDaloo™

Heads up Moshers, I bring you lucky headbangers yet another exclusive culinary experience that im pretty certain you haven't tried anywhere else. I call it the RissoDaloo™ and needless to say, it kicks f**king ass! Colour me proud, I love it when a plan comes together (cheers Hannibal!) You want to know something? I don't want to blow an eight ton trumpet here but if it wasn't for folk like me, Mankind would never have discovered the Hot Dog or Cheeseburger. Hashtag FACT.
I love messing around with favourite snacks, and adding my own wicked little twist.
Sometimes it ends up as Epic Fail, like that time I tried a pie sandwich (too 'bready') but occasionally I nail it and we get bacon! Or spicy rissole in this instance. Consistency wise the RissoDaloo™ was slightly thick and heavy but I suspect throwing a handful of chips (fries) onto the plate would solve this. Couple of important points to consider however: adjust sauce to whatever heat level you are comfortable with (Da Bomb will be too hot for newbies) and stick to buying readymade Vindaloo sauce from supermarkets. Why? Because generally these types are not full whack Vindaloo strength, the last thing you want to be doing is adding hot sauce to a good homemade curry (a well made Vindaloo is hot enough.)
Now im not going to say my new creation is gonna change the face of planet, pizza style but if you ever fancy a spicy munch with a definite difference, then my RissoDaloo™ is well worth a shot.

Into the pot
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Wednesday, 28 August 2013

The Toothless Vindaloo

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A Carmarthen favourite

Ask a Carmarthen local which Indian restaurant/takeaway is best and there is a good chance they will tell you its Ginger. Read the reviews on websites like TripAdvisor, those will say the same thing. Fancy a good curry in west Wales? Ginger is the place to be. I would normally agree too, only recently they lost a chef to a rival restaurant and when I ordered a takeout from there last Friday, it wasn't up to their usual great standard. Maybe it was an off night? (Though eateries should never have those.) Or perhaps more care is taken with sit down meals? Who knows, but the meal I had was nothing special.
Being a big fan of hot and spicy grub, I naturally ordered a Lamb Vindaloo, special fried rice and chips (fries) but as soon as I had peeled off the cardboard cover of my rice, I knew I was going to be disappointed. The rice looked too yellow, like the cheap stuff you see in supermarkets and the chips were hard. Im a big fan of chips bought in Indian takeaways, they are usually chunky and golden, often better than those found at chippys (fish & chip shops) but these were a very poor show. And as for the Vindaloo itself? It seriously could have passed for a Pasanda or a Bhuna. It was mild to say the least and as for breaking out in sweat? Not a chance! Now I readily admit that due my habit of smashing hot sauces over every meal, my tolerance for spicy food has increased tenfold but come on! A Vindaloo should never be compared to a f**king Pasanda. Im willing to bet that a Korma fan would have coped with it.
I take no pleasure in writing this. In fact I am genuinely sorry to have to write such a negative article about a local place but its the truth my friends. Even the free poppadum was soft.

Feasts of Metal rating: 2/5

My Lamb Vindaloo
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Thursday, 22 August 2013

Plant Page Curry Combo

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Yummy for the tummy

All Hail (capital H hail) moshers! I bring to thee another wonderful meal which won't cost the earth but will almost certainly make it MOVE! Not to mention light you up like a firecracker up an arsonists azz. All you need is a Mayflower beef curry (can be bought in Farmfoods £1.39p) a carton of their egg fried rice (75p) and a teaspoon of Blair's Ultra Death hot sauce (800,000 Scoville Heat Units of hot.) Takes around 8 minutes of nuking in the micro (but you can use the oven) and the taste? F**king DIVINE, proper bloody lusho!
Its like a moshpit on yer tongue but BEWARE ONLY CHILIHEADS NEED APPLY because at 800,000 SHU, the Death sauce turns this usually tame curry into a ravenous sabre toothed kitty cat on the hunt for your screaming, melting innards. Im not joking either, regular readers of this blog will know from previous posts that the Ultra Death sauce isn't messing around.
I have added Blairs to many curries over the last few months but Mayflowers has brought the best results. Its truly very tasty. Also, unlike other readymade curries who skimp on the meat, Mayflowers has a tidy bit of beef in there, so be careful not to overcook (over nuke?) in the micro because if you do? It gets tough.
If you enjoy Vindaloo, this is a decent alternative if you can't be fussed with heading out to a takeaway. In fact its better when you compare it to some of the shoddier takeaways lurking on our high streets. It was definitely a great way to finish off my bottle of Ultra Death (see empty bottle below.) So I had better sign off this post and get ordering more!

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Monday, 19 August 2013

Dave's Burning Nuts

Dave's Burning Nuts! Not too hot (in my humble opinion) but to be fair to Dave, I think my tolerance for hot foods has shot up since I discovered the wicked world of hot sauce. So to anyone not familiar with the beautiful burn, these peanuts will probably blow their pants off. I still enjoyed them mind, 50x better than a packet of regular dry roasted, and there was a pleasant tingle in the back of my throat after a few fistfuls. I guess I expected the whack of a super hot. I will be buying the "Da Bomb Nuts" next, which i'm told are a wee bit hotter but I would still give Dave's Nuts a solid 7/10 because they are a darned fine peanut which has a pleasant tingle about them. Crisps? F**k that, get some snacks that belong in the metal world inside you.

*If you fancy trying them for yourself, head on over to Dr Burnorium's Hot Sauce Emporium and he'll sort you out good. A fine fellow, tell him I sent you.

Fiery burp
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Sunday, 18 August 2013

The Beans Are Coming

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You will be needing Balls

Quite fancy being a foody agony aunt today so here goes:

"I like to read British mysteries. Strangely, the food most often mentioned in this genre is "beans on toast", evidently an everyday item used for breakfast lunch or dinner (at least according to the authors). Being a lover of (Boston type) baked beans, I tried some on wheat toast. Didn't seem to be different enough to make it worthwhile. Am I missing something? Did I use the right kind of beans or bread? Could some Brits fill in the blanks here?"

Sure can my Colonial chum! What you will be needing:

1. Good quality bread is a MUST, woe betide if you opt for cheap own brand supermarket scut.
2. Ditto baked beans. You really DO NOT want to be choosing the 21p "value" beans. Nothing "snobby" about it, the cheap baked beans have a high salt content. Mind you Heinz could be accused of being too salty as well, so I use Branston.

While the baked beans are simmering on the hob (I suppose you could nuke them in the microwave but im old fashioned) toast a slice of bread. Some like it almost burnt but me? I prefer a light toasting so that the toast is the colour of a matchstick. Make sure you butter the toast while its hot so that all that buttery goodness melts into the bread. This is important! As soon as the beans are hot (hot not warm) pour them over the toast. Serve and enjoy!
I know a lot of folks like to eat this snack with their hands but using a knife and fork is usually the wisest method because it prevents the beans and tomato sauce (not ketchup) spilling all over your lap/carpet/cat. Only use your hands if you are stingy in slopping out the beans but don't be a beany miser, pour that sh!t on good!
If you happen to have some good Cheddar cheese lurking in the fridge (definitely not that processed rubbish) melt some of that and plonk it on top of the baked beans. Makes a great dish even tastier! Of course if you want extra flavour but don't like cheese, the braver readers among you could do what I do and put some HOT SAUCE over the beans. It really adds a pleasant nip, and my personal recommendation would be Psycho Juice Red Savina by the evil (but in a good way) Dr Burnorium. His Psycho Juice range are fantastic.

Friday, 16 August 2013

(Interlude) Warbringer

Okay, spank my toned ass with hot chili pepper, because before a few hours ago I had never heard of Warbringer. And yes, that is the look of utter shame you can imagine me wearing right now. There is no excuse really, only with the advent of internet, getting to hear every single great metal band out there is becoming that much harder. Yeah yeah, you'd think with sites like SoundCloud and Spotify, the task would be made easier but no! By the awesome beards of Amon Amarth, there are too many studded fruits on offer, its like a child being let loose in a sweetshop with unlimited dosh and no threat of rotten teeth. To misquote the wise poet Coleridge; music music everywhere, and too many beats to drink.
But found them I have now (he says like Yoda) thanks to a thrash metal radio station on the TuneIn App, and be sure I will be checking more of Warbringer's stuff out just as soon as I finish spreading the metal gospel via my super Scoville fuelled blogs of doom.

Thursday, 8 August 2013

United World Rebellion

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Boom! Some unexpected news from Skid Row! Now I was a huge fan of the guys back in the day. This was a band that arrived when the classic Sunset Strip era of Motley Crue, Guns n' Roses, Ratt, Cinderella, etc was coming to a close, but still managed to emerge with a decent shot of excitement and raw anger. You only need to listen to "Youth Gone Wild" to hear evidence of this. The first two Skids records were excellent (I REALLY need to get both on my Nexus) and Sebastian Bach's enthusiasm for rocking the stage, combined with ball shrinking screams really made Skid Row a rock/metal band to be reckoned with.
The bands most recent offering is "United World Rebellion - Chapter One" (released May 24th) and you can check out the song, "This Is Killing Me" in the vid below. Me? I like it, okay I readily admit I liked the band better with Seb but seeing as he hasn't had anything to do with Skid Row for many a year now, its irrelevant (and seems a tad unfair to mention it.) Anyway onward and upward as they say, I like the forceful-don't-give-a-h!t image they have going on up there in that piccy and hope a few of todays kids get into the band rather than listening to the cackhanded mainstream garbage that gets churned out ad infinitum from faceless suited turds who seem intent on keeping every artist a carbon copy of the last. Rant endex, get the heads a-banging!

This Is Killing Me

Tuesday, 23 July 2013

Bargain Cluck Box

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Better than KFC

Tired of paying through the ass for that (in my opinion) corpsey looking breaded sh!te in Kentucky F**ked Chicken? Sick of getting COLESLAW with chips? (Bast@rd revolting!) Then why not head on over to Farmfoods and stick one of these "SFC Bargain Boxes. Only cost three of your British pounds and for that you get 6 good sized chicken legs/thighs coated in the obligatory breadcrumbs. 30 minutes in the oven and BOSH! Job done.
I am a huge fan of fried chicken but have a major dislike for KFC grub with their God awful soggy chips and foul looking chicken portions in sloppy coating, so seeing this box o' fried clucks in Farmfoods made me smile like a cleaver going through a chickens neck. (I suppose I could make it at home but Id probably f**k it up and waste good meat which would be a darned shame when people are starving.) Pleased to report that its good stuff too! Had some for lunch, and like a whore in a porno, I was left feeling very full and satisfied. Nice big chunks of white thigh, succulent legs and not too 'breadcrumby'. You could easily feed two youngsters and an adult with one box providing you made chips to go with it. Now, how much would it cost to feed three people in KFC? Exactly.

Saturday, 29 June 2013


Got this recipe from a Scottish friend (thanks Glynis!) and im totally making it because it sounds like something im going to love.
How to make stovies - fry some link sausages. Peel some potatoes and onions. In a deep pan place a layer of sliced potatoes, then a layer of sliced onions, then a layer of the cut up cooked sausage. Keep going till everything is used. Generously salt and pepper, then add enough water to cover the bottom of the pot. Bring to a simmer and cover. Cook for 20 minutes, or until the tatties are mush, then mash with a masher.....totally delicious, but do taste better with square/Lorne sausage.
Add more pepper as you mash. Best eaten with French bread and butter.

Thursday, 6 June 2013

Newsted's Heroic Dose

Former Metallica bassist Jason Newsted has a new album coming out on August 6th called "Heavy Metal Music" (fine title there Jase) and here I present thee a track from it, 'Heroic Dose'. Me? I love it! It has a wonderfully melodious thunder vibe, very reminiscent of old school metal. And that my dear moshers is very f**king good indeed!

Monday, 20 May 2013

Worship the Beard!

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Not exactly metal or edible (unless I use it as a soup strainer) but aren't beards most awesomely BADASS? Mine is anyway, and yup, that's its up there in the pic. Beard maketh the man! Ive been growing this bad boy since June 2010 and boy, its hosted a lot of good stuff from Jagermeister to kangaroo steak (and not not forgetting some of the worlds most blisteringly hot sauces.) I don't know about you moshers but I don't trust a clean shaven fella, closet skeleton cradlers all. Mind you, I trust goatee growers even less (Kerry King is the exception) because they are the planets toe dippers, wanting some facial fungus but unwilling (or unable) to grow a full chin badger.

Thursday, 2 May 2013

Jeff Hanneman RIP

As a lifelong Slayer fan, this mosher is SAD AND F**KING GUTTED to learn that guitarist Jeff Hanneman has died aged 49 from liver failure.
This was posted by the band on their official Facebook page a short while ago:

“Slayer is devastated to inform that their bandmate and brother, Jeff Hanneman, passed away at about 11AM this morning near his Southern California home,” states the band’s official Facebook.” Hanneman was in an area hospital when he suffered liver failure. He is survived by his wife Kathy, his sister Kathy and his brothers Michael and Larry, and will be sorely missed.

Our Brother Jeff Hanneman, May He Rest In Peace (1964 – 2013)”

Rest In Peace indeed Jeff, im sending my love to your family and friends. What a thoroughly depressing way to start a Bank holiday weekend. We have lost a proper metal legend and a brilliant guitarist, who lets not forget crafted one of THE greatest riffs ever on Raining Blood. Like I said, GUTTED *sad face*
I think my thoughts would be better seen and heard via Youtube, so check it out below. Also included a solo by the metal God himself (far better than me yakking.)
Sleep well Jeff and thank you for the awesome music. Metal legend, never to be forgotten !!

Monday, 29 April 2013

Real Beef (Burgers)

There Will Be Blood

This was a REAL beef burger (bought at a butchers) coming out from under my grill ten minutes ago. Served with melted cheese on top and in a fresh crusty roll, it tasted heavenly! The blood? Well you never see that coming from puny supermarket burgers which just goes to show how awful they must be. You are cooking meat from a (formerly) living creature remember? There should be blood! Or else im wondering just what kind of animal those supermarkets are putting in their 'beef'.
The 'coup de grâce' of this fine snack was a good few drops of Satan's Rage hot pepper sauce which really did add the kind of sting I look for in a burger. Carnivorous Corpse!

Before cooking

Wednesday, 24 April 2013

Snake's Bile Shots

Another insanely heavy f**king metal meal/drink; SNAKE'S BLOOD AND BILE. And you have to kill the snake yourself too! Oh yes, this one separates the carnivores from the herbivores, make no mistake. This restaurant in Hanoi has hedgehog and even cat on the menu (unsure if you have to kill those yourself) but it is the snake blood that pricked my attention. (Presumably because you can drink it with vodka.) Would I try this? Yes, without a second thought, even the 'tearing out a live animals heart' bit.
Without going into preach mode, I firmly believe that if you are willing to eat meat, then you ought to be willing to kill the animal.
I can picture me relaxing with Crowbar on the stereo whilst dining on lamb heart stuffed with onions with shots of snake bile and vodka. Be like a conquering Viking! Unholy f**k ya!

Tuesday, 2 April 2013


Fans of old school thrash metal should (this instant) check out the brilliant Gama Bomb, who are described on their Facebook page as "Ireland's premier speed thrash band". Hell yes! Ive been a thrash metal fan since it began and to see bands like Gama Bomb and Municipal Waste popping up to shred the stage is quite a f**king buzz. They first came to the attention of my studded earholes in 2009 when Metal Hammer included copies of their album,"Tales from the Grave in Space" with their magazine. Indeed its the first album ever to be released FREE by a signed band. Kudos to them. It rocks most awesomely too!
When you read song titles like "Last Ninjas Unite" and "Escape from Scarecrow Mountain", you know something special is lurking in the metallic forest, waiting for the chance to assault your senses like a sonic werewolf. This is the type of band that deserves success and praise, not the pre packaged, miming oiks that litter those foul talent shows on a Saturday evening. Its all bout music and imagination, a fairly potent mix when dressed in skull branded guitars and denim jeans.

Gama Bomb's new album "The Terror Tapes" is out April 19 (EU), 22 (UK), May 7 (US) on AFM records!

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Thursday, 28 March 2013

The Hottest F**kin' Sauce

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Would look good on a Tesco shelf

This arrived yesterday moshers ~ The Hottest F**kin' Sauce. Id been eager to try it ever since seeing it and now that I have? Well despite the warnings and waffle printed on the bottles label, and the fact that it is a respectable 600,000 Scoville Heat Units, I didn't find it that hot. And nope, that's not some bullsh!t to try and sound macho, im simply telling it like it is (for me anyway.) If we were scoring for heat, I would give The Hottest F**kin' Sauce a 5/10. For taste it would get 9/10 because its much tastier than say Blair's Mega Death Sauce. But hey, its all about opinions right?
You can check out my video (below) to see a more 'hands on' report. But I will be getting more of this because like I say, it tastes good. Plus I wont be giving up on the heat just yet. A Motorhead sized spoonful of it on a burger, or in a curry should finally give me a deciding kick one way or other.

The two main ingredients of The Hottest F**kin' Sauce are Habanero peppers and Scotch Bonnets.

Wednesday, 27 March 2013

Halo Of Blood trailer

Spiffing little trailer from Children Of Bodom released today. "Halo Of Blood" is due on June 7 on Nuclear Blast.

*Update May 20th and the band release title track, Halo Of Blood. Banging tune too, enjoy!

Saturday, 16 March 2013

Blair's Ultra Death Sauce

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Sweet Chilli O' Mine

Bought a bottle of Blair's Ultra Death Sauce this week to replace my empty Mega Death bottle. Its a step up from Mega and contains red habanero pods, cayenne chilies, pirri-pirri chilies with added Naga Jolokia peppers and is a eye watering, nut melting 800,000 Scoville Units.

Friday, 15 March 2013

Icarus Wings

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Not hot but tasty!

Discovered some hot sauces in the supermarkets a few days ago and seeing as ive become a big fan of them, it would have been rude for me not to have picked them up. The sauce in the pic cost just £2 from Tesco, a Heinz ~ Yellow Habanero. "A fiery yellow chilli sauce with sweetness to balance its searing heat." The guff on their website claims. "Ideal for splashing over pizza, pasta, stir fries, chicken, burgers and much more."
Now its a tidy sauce, lush as we say here in Wales but its certainly not "searing heat." Not even close! Hell if Heinz call this "searing heat", Id love to see them try Blair's Death range sauces. It IS tasty though, has a gentle sweetness to it with just a tiny nip to let you know that its trying to be a hot sauce and I will get more. They have two others as well: Chipotle & Garlic (a smokey, medium spiced sauce with a tasty note of garlic) and Green Jalapeño (a hot sauce with a very tangy, almost pickled taste) so will check those out too.

Thursday, 14 March 2013

Clive Burr Lives On

Drum solo in Reading, 1982

Clive Burr passed away yesterday at the criminally young age of 56. Sleep well Clive, happy knowing you made Iron Maiden that bit extra special. I have been a Maiden fan since the beginning. Their 1980 debut "Iron Maiden" record was one of the first albums I ever owned and the band have been with me since I was 9 years old, making them feel like distant friends who accompanied me to school and who were around when I got my first girlfriend so this news was sadder than most.
Clive was an awesome drummer (check out a solo above) and those first three Maiden albums (Iron Maiden, Killers and The Number of the Beast) were simply stunning pieces of work. There isn't a bad track on any of them. Not one rubbish song, there aren't many bands who can claim that. (In fact besides the mighty Maiden I can't name any.)

Cliff Burton, Ronnie James Dio, Dimebag Darrel; it looks like God just needed a drummer.

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Clive Burr 8 March 1957 ~ 12 March 2013

Thursday, 28 February 2013

Nightmare on Cawl Street

I have come to the end of the Blair's Mega Death Sauce. Sad times my friends, sad times. (But I do have some Ultra Death on order so happily the burning times are going to keep on rolling and melting my innards like the loudest Motorhead gig.) And as it is the eve of St David's Day I thought it would be a good idea to 'bless' a Cawl (traditional Welsh dish) with the final drops of hot sauce. Result? Well I won't be doing it again because this stuff is much better on burgers and sandwiches. In Cawl/soups it is pretty disgusting it has to be said.
Its hot don't get me wrong. Like I say in the video below, the combined heat from both sauce and cawl makes it feel as though you are eating liquid razorblades but taste wise its pretty darned foul. Another thing to note is that the burn you get from using Blair's hot sauce in things like broth doesn't last as long as when you put some on a beefburger. The heat might be instant and more intense while you're tucking in but 5 minutes after you put down the spoon its barely noticable.

Burny but ych a fi (Welsh = horrid)

Dydd Gwyl Dewi Da Pawb!
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blairdeat photo blairdeat.jpg

Monday, 21 January 2013

Cannibal Sauce!

A Wylde time

Blair's awesome hot (really hot!) sauces have teamed up with the equally cool Zakk Wylde to bring the world Zakk's Shot to Hell Sauce! Part of the blurb reads; the hottest sauce in Zakk's line, this one separates the men from the boys. Be warned, it contains ingredients 600 times hotter than a jalapeño chili. Use sparingly. Not recommended for use without dilution.

So same strength as the Mega Death Sauce? This is going to be the Feasts next purchase to try for the blog. Come to think about it,the hot sauce/metal combo is a f**king great one. Both compliment each other in their extreme versions of their particular talent. Slayer need to team up with Blair and create the Angel Of Death Sauce! Motorhead too, the Killed By Death Sauce! (Blair like to use the word 'death' in their product.) Theres no end to the possibilities, and the more I think about it, the more I feel it would be a raoring success. Hell's blls even the imagery with fire and skulls suit both bnads and sauce.


Monday, 7 January 2013

Me v Blair's Death Sauce

Whisky and hot sauce wise?

Blair's Mega Death Sauce - A habanero sauce with cayenne, white vinegar, ancho chilies, chipotles, natural pepper flavor, molasses, guava nectar, ginger, salt, and spices. 550,000 Scoville units. 650 times hotter than a Jalapeño chile.

I did it!! I took on Blair's Mega Death sauce and lived to tell the tale! And to answer the burning question (see what I did there?) YES IT BURNS!! This sauce is not for the faint of heart (or those with cotton lined gullets.) But it is bearable, especially if you enjoy hot/spicy food. A lot of these powerfully strong sauces taste like dirt but this is rather tasty, and has a tomato flavour with a hint of pepper. If it wasn't for the fact it is so potent, I would be replacing my regular ketchup with it.
Most people buy Blair's sauces for the danger or 'novelty facor' (its one way of getting dinner guests talking!) but its so much more than a cheap trick at supper, Blair's Mega Death sauce really does add something special to any meal/snack. It certainly livened up my burger! (I will be adding a drop to my next vindaloo to crank it up further so stay tuned for that.)

I had read a lot of things online about the mega death sauce, some of it wildly exaggerated, some bang on the money accurate but this is what rang true for me the most ~ do not plan on dabbing a drop on your tongue to “get a feel for it”. This is very true, I only used a small blob and it was easily equal in strength to my hottest curry. So be warned: the wise will dilute this sauce with a drop of water if you are not used to hot peppers like the habanero. Im not kidding for the sake of dramatics either!
So final thoughts on Blair's Mega Death sauce; a tasty tang of tomato witha smidge of pepper, EXTREMELY HOT but bearable if you enjoy hot food. Very happy I tried it, will be adding this to a lot more snacks. Gulp!

Bonus extra ~ Its so powerful it works on toothache and headaches too. Seriously, the kick releases an endorphin rush which is the bodies natural painkiller, so it adds a nice extra to your meal.

In another video

Suicide Chicken

Sauce Of The Immortals

Thursday, 3 January 2013

Peri Rabbit

Just tried something a bit different with a bunny.

Simmered the rabbit for couple of hours then let it cool down.
Made a flour with mixed herbs and seasoning.....any herbs you like just add it too it.
Made up a batter mix of eggs flour milk.........and a splash of Peri Peri sauce to give it a bit of spice.
Rolled the rabbit joints in the flour then dipped it in the batter mix.
Make sure the fat is hot ...i used veg oil in a wok,
Drop the rabbit joints in the oil and wait till nice a crisp ....then serve