Welcome to the Feasts Of Metal! Kindly leave sobriety & pop songs at the door because here is where I rustle up some great eats in my gallows themed kitchen with Cannibal Corpse soundtrack. I'll also introduce you to my favourite metal bands, albums, gigs, anything headbangy, since I became a fan in 1981. Crank it up!
Friday, 16 August 2013
(Interlude) Warbringer
Okay, spank my toned ass with hot chili pepper, because before a few hours ago I had never heard of Warbringer. And yes, that is the look of utter shame you can imagine me wearing right now. There is no excuse really, only with the advent of internet, getting to hear every single great metal band out there is becoming that much harder. Yeah yeah, you'd think with sites like SoundCloud and Spotify, the task would be made easier but no! By the awesome beards of Amon Amarth, there are too many studded fruits on offer, its like a child being let loose in a sweetshop with unlimited dosh and no threat of rotten teeth. To misquote the wise poet Coleridge; music music everywhere, and too many beats to drink.
But found them I have now (he says like Yoda) thanks to a thrash metal radio station on the TuneIn App, and be sure I will be checking more of Warbringer's stuff out just as soon as I finish spreading the metal gospel via my super Scoville fuelled blogs of doom.
Carmarthen, UK