Boom! Some unexpected news from Skid Row! Now I was a huge fan of the guys back in the day. This was a band that arrived when the classic Sunset Strip era of Motley Crue, Guns n' Roses, Ratt, Cinderella, etc was coming to a close, but still managed to emerge with a decent shot of excitement and raw anger. You only need to listen to "Youth Gone Wild" to hear evidence of this. The first two Skids records were excellent (I REALLY need to get both on my Nexus) and Sebastian Bach's enthusiasm for rocking the stage, combined with ball shrinking screams really made Skid Row a rock/metal band to be reckoned with.
The bands most recent offering is "United World Rebellion - Chapter One" (released May 24th) and you can check out the song, "This Is Killing Me" in the vid below. Me? I like it, okay I readily admit I liked the band better with Seb but seeing as he hasn't had anything to do with Skid Row for many a year now, its irrelevant (and seems a tad unfair to mention it.) Anyway onward and upward as they say, I like the forceful-don't-give-a-h!t image they have going on up there in that piccy and hope a few of todays kids get into the band rather than listening to the cackhanded mainstream garbage that gets churned out ad infinitum from faceless suited turds who seem intent on keeping every artist a carbon copy of the last. Rant endex, get the heads a-banging!
This Is Killing Me