Welcome to the Feasts Of Metal! Kindly leave sobriety & pop songs at the door because here is where I rustle up some great eats in my gallows themed kitchen with Cannibal Corpse soundtrack. I'll also introduce you to my favourite metal bands, albums, gigs, anything headbangy, since I became a fan in 1981. Crank it up!
Monday, 19 August 2013
Dave's Burning Nuts
Dave's Burning Nuts! Not too hot (in my humble opinion) but to be fair to Dave, I think my tolerance for hot foods has shot up since I discovered the wicked world of hot sauce. So to anyone not familiar with the beautiful burn, these peanuts will probably blow their pants off. I still enjoyed them mind, 50x better than a packet of regular dry roasted, and there was a pleasant tingle in the back of my throat after a few fistfuls. I guess I expected the whack of a super hot. I will be buying the "Da Bomb Nuts" next, which i'm told are a wee bit hotter but I would still give Dave's Nuts a solid 7/10 because they are a darned fine peanut which has a pleasant tingle about them. Crisps? F**k that, get some snacks that belong in the metal world inside you.
*If you fancy trying them for yourself, head on over to Dr Burnorium's Hot Sauce Emporium and he'll sort you out good. A fine fellow, tell him I sent you.
Fiery burp
Carmarthen, UK