I have come to the end of the Blair's Mega Death Sauce. Sad times my friends, sad times. (But I do have some Ultra Death on order so happily the burning times are going to keep on rolling and melting my innards like the loudest Motorhead gig.) And as it is the eve of St David's Day I thought it would be a good idea to 'bless' a Cawl (traditional Welsh dish) with the final drops of hot sauce. Result? Well I won't be doing it again because this stuff is much better on burgers and sandwiches. In Cawl/soups it is pretty disgusting it has to be said.
Its hot don't get me wrong. Like I say in the video below, the combined heat from both sauce and cawl makes it feel as though you are eating liquid razorblades but taste wise its pretty darned foul. Another thing to note is that the burn you get from using Blair's hot sauce in things like broth doesn't last as long as when you put some on a beefburger. The heat might be instant and more intense while you're tucking in but 5 minutes after you put down the spoon its barely noticable.
Burny but ych a fi (Welsh = horrid)
Dydd Gwyl Dewi Da Pawb!