Daffys always a favourite with chips
Todays luncheon moshers! Crispy duck (£3.99 from German supermarket Lidl) and chips (our American cousins call them fries). And it was to f**king die for! The skin and flesh of a duck is something else, and if one of the perks on a sunday morning is lurking around your wife/partner, trying to steal bits of chicken skin or pork crackling, then wait until you get a load of duck! Obviously this blog post is aimed at duck virgins (and boy does THAT sound weird!) because readers who have already tasted this delicious bird will know exactly what I mean.
Allow me to spell it out again, in case that chicken got your earhole: DUCK IS F**KING TASTY AS ALL HOLY F**K! Get that? Feed them in the park all you want but unless you've tried duck, either as a roast dinner or accompanied by chips and egg, I can safely say that you have never lived. Well you did but all bland like *smiles*
Slobber and drool over these pics and vids. I bought two because....why not? Orgasm on a plate.