Lamb Hearts and Potatoes
Owing to what this dish consists of, the heart of a ickle, ickle lamb, most people turn their asses around and run from a plate of this. More fool them sez I, because lamb hearts roasted with potatoes is a very fine and tasty meal. Trust me on that. And not only is it great tasting but its easy on the wallet too. You can pick up three hearts for under £2, and one heart would fill the average person when served with potatoes, swede, etc.
Simple to prepare; lob three hearts in an oven dish, surrounded by potatoes and bake for 1 hr 10 mins on a medium heat, making sure to baste them every 15 mins or so. Throw in some chopped onions on the last quarter of an hour and mosh! A delicious, nut twistngly good meal.
Lamb Hearts are not without their health benefits also because they contain CoQ10 which is a powerful anti-oxidant. Here are some hearty facts regarding health;
1. Destroys free radicals before they can damage your cell membranes.
2. Prevents arteriosclerosis by reducing he accumulation of oxidized fat in your blood vessels.
3. Eases heart disease, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol.
4. Reduces chest pain and improves exercise tolerance in patients with chronic stable angina.
5. Regulates the rhythm of the heart rate.
So eat until your hearts content (terrible pun I know) for there might be some truth in the lore that eating somethings heart will empower the eater. Enjoy !!