Now granted, that is a rather ominous headline for a blog that deals a lot with food *
Laughs Out Loud* but don't go ringing for the blokes with stomach pumps just yet! (Hope these iron innards of mine have more metal than that...Metal, see what I did there)? Nope, the Fatal Feast here has been whipped up by those dirty (in a good way) lads from Virginia. And a delicious, melodic sonic meal it is too.
It is Municipal Wastes fifth album (released 2012), and fans will know by now exactly what to expect from the party thrashers ~
crunchy odes to booze, mutants and lyrics which I would best describe as 'comic world'. Seriously, if ever the Wasters get bored of
shredding guitars, I suggest they create a comic book. It would be ace. (And if you ever read this blog chaps, you can thank me later).
The band are heavily influenced by Anthrax, Nuclear Assault, Exodus and other 80's thrash, and this album has elements of all of those. I grew up loving this music; drinking to it, skating to it, even loving to it (ooer!) and it warms the cockles of my metallic heart to know it isn't on its scuffed knees just yet. Like we used to say back then,
thrash or die!
I knew there was something special about Municipal Waste when I first heard '
Headbanger Face/Rip' in 2007. It had that heavy groove with energetic, crunchy chorus so beloved of early S.O.D and Suicidal Tendencies. If you are looking for the spirit of thrash metal circa 1985 ~ these Wasters are your bag of alien space barf!
The Fatal Feast tastes f**king delicious! A fitting last dance for death row punks the world over. From the speedy
New Dead Masters to the brilliantly psychotic
You're Cut Off (check out the awesome video), this is getting plenty of play at the moment. And you wanna know something? Im greedy, and I love metal with an anarchistic, punch-yer-face vibe, so I'll be needing seconds of this thrashy feast! Play it again mutie.
Feast Rating 4/5
The Fatal Feast (Nuclear Blast Records)
Waste in Space (Main Title)
New Dead Masters
Unholy Abductor
Idiot Check
Covered in Sick/The Barfer
You're Cut Off
Authority Complex
Standards and Practices
Crushing Chest Wound
The Monster With 21 Faces
Jesus Freaks
The Fatal Feast
12 Step Program
Death Tax
Residential Disaster