Yup you read it right! Vindaloo Soup, I went against the naysayers, ignored the doubters and just went ahead and made it. Grabbed a packet of Hidi Grand vindaloo paste (50p from Home Bargains), heated it on a hob without meat (hey it was almost vegan hehe) and tipped it into a bowl. Bingo!
So how did I come up with the idea? Am I so BADASS that im willing to eat 'raw' vindaloo curry? Truth is I was feeling a little under the weather but was tired of boring old chicken soup, so decided a bit more horsepower was needed (emphasis on 'power' not 'horse'.) And do you know what? It wasn't half bad either! In fact if I had used a better curry paste and not some cheap stuff from Home Bargains this would have been fairly f**king awesome! Cleared my sinus headache lovely.
Another bonus was it restored my appetite. Weird huh? Curry seems to have this effect on me, I might be suffering from the dodgiest of stomach pains (very rare due to Ox-like constitution) but one whiff of a strong curry and im healed like Jesus on a leper.
Just add bread