Battered Haggis with chips
Now before I get buried underneath a wall of anger with folk yelling "those are not real Haggis! Boo! Hiss!" No this dish did not consist of a regular type of Haggis. These were in fact Haggis Bites that I bought from Farmfoods, but it should matter not dear moshers because they are still made with real Haggis and when all is said and done, Haggis is Haggis right?
But what is it exactly? What is this food that the Scots have made so famous? Basically it is the heart, lungs and liver of a sheep, called the sheep's 'pluck' and is minced with oatmeal, suet, onion, salt and spices. If you were to cook it in the way tradition dictates then you would simmer this mixture in the sheep's stomach. (2 ~ 3hrs should do it).
Were you to follow the route of tradition further, you would serve Haggis with 'neeps and tatties' (Scottish for swede, turnips and potatoes). I veered off the route (like I often do) and cooked some chips to go with it. Result? Bloody lovely! Its not unlike black pudding or even sausage and I think most meat eaters would enjoy Haggis if they would only get over the ingredients and traditional cooking method. (I won't mention the 'lovely' stuff used to make chicken nuggets again. Oops I almost did).
I am now a keen lover of this Scottish delicacy and aim to pick a 'proper' Haggis up from the butchers. You'll no doubt hear from this dish agian on these here pages, but next time served with the neeps and tatties.
Music to eat to ~ Alestorm
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