Welcome to the Feasts Of Metal! Kindly leave sobriety & pop songs at the door because here is where I rustle up some great eats in my gallows themed kitchen with Cannibal Corpse soundtrack. I'll also introduce you to my favourite metal bands, albums, gigs, anything headbangy, since I became a fan in 1981. Crank it up!
Monday, 10 September 2012
Fugu As Fug
Japanese delicacy, the fugu fish (a type of blowfish) is one of the most metal dishes EVER. The fish is two hundred times more poisonous than cyanide and one small mistake during preparation can kill the hungry diner (23 people have died since 2000 from eating it.) So bad ass is a plateful of this, chefs need to be members of a guild and have a special licence from the Japanese government in order to be able to make and serve it. Its not cheap either and costs anything upward of £75 in Tokyo's swankier restaurants.
Fugu fish poisoning has been described as "rapid and violent", beginning with a numbness around the mouth until paralysis arrives as a foreword to blessed death. Oh and you will remain conscious until the reaper calls. There is no antidote. Despite all this, Fugu eating is extremely popular with Japanese diners and tourists alike. Like I said, bad ass.
Heres a guy eating Fugu. His mouth goes numb but he'll be fine (he hopes.)
Carmarthen, UK