Evisceration Plague
Cannibal Corpse are a killer f**king band. Their last three albums, Kill, Evisceration Pague and Torture have all been mighty slabs of pure death metal. (And I love the records before those too of course. Eaten Back to Life!) I always begin the day with a Corpse album, its like a power shot of adrenaline injected straight into the f**king eyeballs and make no mistake.
And when I first heard them way waaay back I dismissed the band as merely a gimmick and trying too hard to nick Obituary's style. What a fool I was and Id like to go back in time and kick my younger self in the ass for thinking lie that. Although in my defense, I didnt think that for very long and was soon a Cannibal Corpse fan having been won over by their unrelenting power, aggression and talent to write POUNDING-HEAVY-AS-SHIT metal songs. Hell when you discover such a bad ass band as the Corpsters, it isn't long before repenting those earlier words of doubt. (You can't really blame me for the initial doubt, ive seen too many wannabes in my 30 years of being a metalhead, but Cannibal Corpse are NOT one of them.)
Anyway enjoy these videos and if this does happen to be your first introduction to the band, then head over to Youtube and kick out some more of their brillantly heavy tunes. You won't regret it! Unless your ears and innards are made of cloth. MOSH THOSE NUTS OFF!!
Encased In Concrete
See a full gig here!