In these videos I get to much on snails (Escargot if youre feeling posh) again and if you want to try them (and you really should) then head on down to Lidl where you will find a pack of 12 for just £1.99p in their French food selection.
Now like I said in an earlier post, snail doesn't really have a taste of its own. (Although I dare say it would if I went out and ate one of the slimy buggers raw in the garden.) It most definately doesn't taste like chicken and in all honesty after the strong garlic butter has gone, the meat is rather bland. Most people (those who would never summon up the courage to try one) would think of snails as pure ICK but they are wrong. Its got such a plain tatse that without the garlic you wouldn't even register it, nevermind go EWWWW! I can understand snails don't look very appetising but in my opinion they are no worse looking than the rubbish served up in fast food joints. (Note to self: must not mention 'chicken' nuggets.)
You can cook snails with a dash of cognac too which helps take away the clout from garlic but its a little early in the day to hit the cognac. (Once I pop I can't stop.) Do yourselves a favour and go get a plate of escargot in garlic butter sauce today. Taste not just snails but the freedom of an adventurous palate.