Live f**kin' METAAAAL!
Machine Head are an awesome metal band. Hows that for an undisputable opening? Ever since their brilliant Burn My Eyes debut in 1994 (where the frig does time go?) I knew this band were destined for great things. Their live cd, Hellalive (released March 11th 2003) is one of my favourite f**king live records EVER! im listenng to it right now as I type and hell's teeth, I would have readily given a body part to have been there in London when most of it was recorded. It sounds heavier than getting teabagged by King Kong and if you happen to be new to the mosh pits then by all that is Metal and Holy you simply MUST buy this album! As each track rolls on, it takes supreme effort to just stop myself from bouncing off the walls. Its one melodious, brutal, shitstorm which kicks those wimpy assed 'Unplugged' affairs straight outta town. Unplugged? Unf**ked more like. Who in the name of Lucifer's shot glass wants to listen to shit thats unplugged? PLUG IT IN NIMBLEDICK! LET THE DECIBELS POUND LIKE A B@STARD WAR HAMMER!
The Blood, The Sweat, The Tears, Ten Ton Hammer, Davidian, Supercharger. The songs roll like a steamroller fuelled with amphetamine, on a warpath headed straight for your f**king earholes! Its one helluva blast!
Phil Demmel, ex Vio-Lence guitarist plays on None But My Own and The Burning Red as these tracks were pulled from the Full Force festival (in 2002) when Ahrue Luster had left the band.
Anyway ive said enough, this cd is 10/10 all the way, so pour some drinks, wind up the volume and MOSH LIKE A TEN TON SUPERCHARGED B@STARD!!
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