Pygostyle: a tasty morsel
It was Thanksgiving Day yesterday (I celebrate eventhough im Welsh), and once again when the turkey was ready I headed straight for the part I enjoy the most: the Parson's Nose.
"WTF is that?" I hear the keyboards ask in unison like a curious congregation of plastic. Really wanna know? Very well, its the birds ass. No kidding! The Parson's Nose is that juicy protuberance that you can see on the Turkey/chicken's backside, and the reason its so succulent is it contains the uropygial gland that produces the birds preen oil. And its bloody delicious! (Even more than the skin/giblets).
Don't let the description put you off, plop it in your gob and you will see that even things which look and sound unappetising are actually very very good. He that dareth, winneth! Enjoy!
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