You get these in France (or Lidl)
Every food fan knows that France is one of the leading countries when it comes to culinary delights. Such is their poetry in the kitchen they can even make a boring old grilled cheese sandwich sound interesting. What you see in the above pictures is a Croque Monsieur, or what we in the UK would call a ham and cheese toastie. The cheese usually used is either Gruyère or Emmental.
The cheese used compliments the ham well, but personally I would have bunged some onion in there too. But even without onion, this is not a shabby sandwich by any means. And toasties are a good comfort food to turn too if a spot of the 'glums' has perched its miserable ass on your shoulders.
Its decieving too because whereas it doesn't appear to be very filling, finish one and you'll be more than satisfied.
The only grumble I have is toward the middle of the bread. It got quite 'soggy' from the heat when I expected it to be crisp like the crust. But whether this was due to this particular brand I don't know as I never ordered a Croque Monsieur when I was in France last.
Music to eat to ~ Lita Ford, Ugly Kid Joe, Europe
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