Monday, 4 June 2012


It was thanks to Metallica that I got into The Misfits and later Samhain. The 'Tallica guys were always wearing Misfits tee shirts and covering their songs and thus it was inevitable I (and many other metalheads no doubt) would check the horror punk band out. No easy task either because like ive mentioned before, YOU try tracking down an album by a relatively unknown American punk band in a small town in Wales in the 1980s, pre internet and MTV. Luckily Swansea had a cool music shop called Musiquarium which specialised in rare vinyl imports, and the first Samhain record I bought was 1986s November Coming Fire, released on Glenn Danzig's Plan 9 record label. You can listen to it in its entirety below! Make sure you do too because its brilliant, dripping with moody melodies and almost creepy bass.

Track listing ~
1.Diabolos '88
2.In My Grip
3.Mother of Mercy
5.To Walk The Night
6.Let The Day Begin
7.Halloween II
8.November's Fire
9.Kiss Of Steel
11.Human Pony Girl
