My first metal vid!
That up there is the first heavy metal music video I ever owned: Molotov Cocktail. Bbought for me by a very understanding Mother at Christmas and boy I was chuffed to leather and studdery! 1984 was the year CBS/Fox released this awesome little VHS cassette (not long after the wheel was invented.) I must have watched and rewound it a dozen times straight off the bat (the carols being on definate hold), amazed at finally being able to see my metal heroes perform 'live' in my living room. Remember this was early eighties and coverage of music was in its absolute infancy with regards to programmes and videos covering music. Even more so for such a niche genre as heavy metal, there was no Youtube or Spotify, so having a metal video containing 8 songs by top names was bragging rights. Oh yes!
Artists and tracks:
Fast Way
1. Tell Me
2. All Fired Up
Ozzy Osbourne
1.Bark At The Moon
2. So Tired
Judas Priest
1. You've Got Another Thing Coming
2. Free Wheel Burning
Blue Oyster Cult
1. Burning For You
2. Take Me Away